Spots Bitot's spot=White, foamy area of keratinizing squamous metaplasia of bulbar conjunctiva, seen in vitamin A deficiency. Brushfield spot=Whitish grey spot in peripheral iris, seen in Down's syndrome. Elschnig spot=Yellow patches overlying area of choroidal infarction in hypertension. Fischer-Khunt spot=Senile scleral plaque, area of hyalinised sclera anterior horizontal rectus muscle ...Read More
Students Gallery
i-File: COVID-19 associated Mucormycosis
A 53-year-old female presented to the emergency with chief complaints of drooping of the left eyelid for 3 days and sudden loss of vision in the left eye for 2 days. History of Present Illness: The patient was recovering from COVID-19 infection prior to presentation when she noticed a sudden, rapidly progressive drooping of the left eyelid over 3 days duration. It was associated with the limitatio...Read More
Short Term Phacoemulsification Courses in India
Centre for Sight, New Delhi Duration of Fellowship: 3 months Mode of Selection: Written exam and Interview Webpage Email: Contact number: Dr. Tulika Chauhan +91-9535133800 Session: Every 3 Months: JANUARY, APRIL, JULY, OCTOBER Course Fee: Rs. 50,000 H. V. Desai Eye Hospital, Pune, India Duration of Fellowship: 1 Month Mode of Selection: Interview Webpage Email: desaie...Read More
i-File: Vogt-Koyanagi - Harada disease
Brief Scenario of the case: A 25 year-old-female, resident of Rajasthan presented to us with the chief complaints of diminution of vision in the right eye for a period of 3 days and redness with mild pain in both eyes for one month. History of Present Illness: The patient was apparently well 3 days back when she started to develop diminution of vision in her right eye. She had mild pain and rednes...Read More
Question A 35-year-old otherwise healthy female ( computer professional) presented with OU diminution noticed recently. BCVA OD 6/12 N6 and OS 6/18 N8. Anterior segment including IOP were normal in both eyes. Fundus examination revealed as depicted in the color fundus photo. What is the diagnosis( a differential is preferred) How do you manage this case Answer: The diagnosis is Stargardt’s Disease...Read More
Mendeley Reference Manager: A Step-by-step Guide
Reference managers (such as Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote) are applications that help scientific writers to search, store and organize literature. Additionally, these platforms allow to systematically insert citations and references in any chosen style while writing manuscripts. These tools allow changing reference style with a few clicks. Reference managers are tools made aiming at academicians and a...Read More
Brief Scenario of The Case: A 50-year-old male patient was seen on 27th January 2021 with a chief complain of sudden painful loss of vision in his right eye for 1 week after lifting a heavyweight object at work. History of Present Illness: The patient’s only complain was a black spot and decreased vision in an otherwise normal right eye, which occurred after lifting a heavyweight object (100 kg) a...Read More
i-File: Fuchs Endothelial Dystrophy
A 55-year-old female presented to the Cornea clinic with gradually progressive diminution of vision in both eyes for 1 year, which was associated with intermittent photophobia and colored haloes around lights, especially on waking up in the morning. The blurry vision gradually became clearer as the day progressed. No history of associated pain, watering, redness, itching, or discharge. Past Ocular...Read More
i-File: Idiopathic Juxtafoveal Retinal Telangiectasia
Question A 61-year-old presented with OU diminution of vision. He complains of distortion of letters which he has noticed in the last few months. He is a well-controlled diabetic for 13 years. There are no other systemic issues. Examination revealed a BCVA of OD 6/18(P) N8, OS 6/24 N8. The anterior segment is unremarkable except for pseudophakia OU (no e/o PCO). Fundus and FFA as shown What is the...Read More
i-File: Retinal arterial macroaneurysm (RAM)
Question A 52-year-old female presented with sudden onset blurring of vision in OD for 2 weeks. She is a known case of hypothyroidism on regular treatment. There is no other systemic illness. The best-corrected visual acuity in OD was 6/36(p) N12 and 6/6 N6 in OS. The anterior segment is unremarkable. The fundus is as shown: What is the most probable diagnosis? How will you manage the case (invest...Read More