For PowerPoint
Kindly Submit the PPT presentation in .ppt or .pptx format only. The presentation should be neat and elegant. The slides should have a light background with clear and legible fonts. Avoid cluttering with big paragraphs. It is ideal to provide information in bullet points and have pictures as and when required.
All PowerPoint submission to eOphtha should be accompanied with a bio sketch (150 words maximum) and digital passport size photograph of the author.
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For Text Articles
We encourage you to use tables, nuggets/pearls in text boxes as majority of content of the website are intended for practioners, postgraduates and residents.
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Author Checklist
- Kindly submit the write-up in Microsoft Word files only. PDF format is not accepted.
- Use simple text table and text boxes (without any formatting) . The main manuscript should only contain the write-up, tables, textboxes and references. Do not add images and legends to main text file.
- Maximum three authors are allowed for an article.
- Kindly provide full Name, affiliation and E-mail Address for each authors. Authors affiliations should be their home institutions at the time when their primary contribution to the article was written. Kindly send digital passport size photograph and bio sketch of all authors.
- Images & illustrations for the articles : Kindly submit all the photographs, illustrations in JPEG or PNG files as attachment in mail (Don’t Not embed images in PowerPoint or word file). Kindly do not send TIFF images. The minimum resolution for images is 300 dpi. A legend must be supplied for each illustration. Figures, models, and multimedia files should be numbered independently. The text of the article should refer to figures as "Figure 1", "Figure 2", etc. Do not submit copyrighted images or scan copy of textbook pictures.
- References : Format references in Vancouver Citation Style. References should be cited in the text as follows: "The procedure used has been described elsewhere [1],[2]". Superscript format is not accepted as the article will be published online. Abbreviations of journal titles should follow those listed in the Index Medicus. Responsibility for the correctness of the references lies with the author(s). After manuscript revisions, authors should double-check that all in-text citations are in the reference list and that all references on the reference list have at least one corresponding in-text citation.
- Standard Format for Journal Articles : Author Surname Initials. Title of article. Title of journal, abbreviated. Date of Publication : Volume Number(Issue Number) : Page Numbers.
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