Question A healthy 26-year-male presented with sudden onset diminution of vision in OS of 1-week duration. The loss of vision was not associated with any trauma, pain, redness. No history of flashes. No previous history of a similar episode. On examination BCVA OD: 6/9 N6; OS: HM. Anterior segment unremarkable OU. Fundus: OD: as depicted in the fundus and FFA, OS: had a dense vitreous hemorrhage W...Read More
Students Gallery
Chief Complaint: A 12-year-old boy presented with redness and a decrease in vision in the left eye within four hours of injury with a top. History of Present Illness: Redness and decrease in vision in the left eye. No other significant complaint. Past Ocular History: No H/O any previous injury. Past Medical History/ History of Medication: No significant ocular past history for which he has used me...Read More
i-File: Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment
Brief Scenario of the case: Decreased vision in the right eye in a 20-year-old high myopic female History of Present Illness: The patient is a 20-year-old female who presented with decreased vision in the right eye for 8 months. No history of headache, ocular pain, redness, and trauma were reported. She had no visual changes or symptoms in the left eye. Past Ocular History: High myopic using glass...Read More
Getting Started At the very onset, we want to mention that we are no experts writing thesis or papers. But as somebody has correctly mentioned that in our discipline it is time and more time that makes you wise. (hey sorry we don’t have a reference for this). It’s a humble effort on our part to share our experiences with our fellow colleagues, with the hope that it may be helpful to some of them. ...Read More
How to examine a case of strabismus ?
There is no substitute to good history obtained at the start of the examination As history gives us a direction to look for, and find pertinent signs aiding in diagnosis and management. The various presenting complaints could range from abnormal head posture, deviation noticed by parents or friends, intermittent eye closure, double vision and so on. Some important points to be noted in patients wi...Read More
Capsulorhexis was pioneered and popularized by Howard Gimbel. Capsulorhexis is probably the most challenging to learn in cataract surgery, in other words, once a good rhexis is done half the battle is won. All the Post- Graduates and beginners struggle to do rhexis. This article has compiled small tips and tricks to do rhexis better. Ideally, rhexis should be continuous and curvilinear i.e Circula...Read More
FIve Points You Must Note While Examining An Optic Disc
Disc size A normal disk can be of small size and a normal disk can be of a larger size; size by itself does not determine glaucoma. It is relevant because the disk size determines the C:D ratio and the neuroretinal rim thereof. In a large disc one would expect a large cup and a large neuroretinal rim and in a small disc there is usually no cup. Disc size should be grouped as normal, small or large...Read More
Documentation & Drawing in Ophthalmology
Anterior segment finding Documentations From the days of Hippocrates documentation has been a cornerstone of clinical science. But somewhere down the line this has become a lost art rarely ever practiced by many of us. We tend to ignore or to say correctly run away from it under many pretexts like its time consuming, it’s of no use, etc. And surprisingly this resistance to document is prevalent no...Read More
How to Excel In Microsoft Excel
Introduction: Microsoft Excel is a vital tool for collecting and analyzing research data. It is available on the Windows platform and seamlessly works on different versions of the Windows operating system. It comes as a part of the Microsoft Office suite and is available with most basic Office versions. Though working on Excel does not require extraordinary knowledge of computers; it does require ...Read More
Writing the Materials and Methods and Summarizing the Thesis
One of the most important steps of performing a thesis is “PLANNING” for it. The plan comes after the rationale for the study has been established and existing literature reviewed thoroughly. Executing the plan is easier said than done and requires rigor at every step to accumulate high-quality data. The document containing this “PLAN” is called the “Manual of Operations” (MOP) and represents all ...Read More