It all started in my first year of residency when my campaign 'Teach To Reach' was born. Ophthalmology was not my preferred branch, but teaching has always been my passion. To accept my new found career, I integrated my passion into my profession. So, by teaching ophthalmology, I started to enjoy the process of learning. Mundane topics became fascinating when I explained to my peers.
Then, I began screen recording my presentations for PG aspirants and uploaded them on my YouTube channel calledKing's Crux.As my clinical experience grew, I slowly shifted my focus towards residents. To date, I strive to create quality-rich content for my audience.
Whenever I upload new content, I add the link to the Facebook page. Using an iPad, I create short illustrated notes and lecture handouts for my online classes. I extrapolated my note-taking venture into creating a handwritten manual on the Clinical Embryology of the Eye.
Then, I replaced the technical jargon in my handouts with simple illustrations for patients, thus creating a public health wing for my teaching system:Health Education and Awareness League(H.E.A.L.)
Currently, I am trying to bring in fresh talents in Ophthalmology to share their expertise on my channel. This collaborative effort called'TalentsTeach'brings diversity into my work and enables us to deliver knowledge across multiple domains in our field.
Most of you might not relate to the experience, but the lessons I learned along the way might benefit the readers:
1. Teaching is the most underrated skill for medical professionals. Not many appreciate its importance.
2. By teaching others, you can be a better learner. Never miss an opportunity to teach and mentor juniors.
3. Honing your teaching skills will help you to speak with confidence in conferences and viva examinations.
4. Social media is like steroids. Use it wisely, and you can create a robust online presence.
5. Always try to build on the original work you create. It's called the Compounding Effect.
6. We all complain about mediocre medical training in our country. Unless we step up and change the quality of teaching, the future will remain bleak.
7. By the end of the day, doing what you love is the key. Try to pursue your Ikigai (=purpose of life). My Ikigai is to teach! What is yours?