Residency in ophthalmology is getting tougher by the day. During the tenure of residency, one is filled with innumerable questions which they feel someone could help them with. This collated questionnaire is an effort in that front. It has a few relevant and common questions which a resident in ophthalmology faces every day. And who better than the heads of education of the top three ophthalmology...Read More
Tips to prepare for the DNB, Ophthalmology Examination
eOphtha: Congrats Sabyasachi!! What is the secret of your success? Sabyasachi: Thank you very much for those kind words. I am humbled. There is no magic formula for success but a combination of hard work, perseverance and a little bit of luck does the trick. eOphtha: How should one proceed to prepare for the DNB, Ophthalmology exam? Sabyasachi: The approach to preparing for any examination must be...Read More
Life Lessons from Lock-down Diary of a Doctor Couple
The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest challenge the world has faced since the Second World War. The new historical divide will be termed as B.C. (Before Corona) and A.C. (After Corona). There are uncertainties and lots of questions about the future of almost every domain including health, practice pattern, and career in medicine. It will take several months or even years for all of us to recover fr...Read More
What Does an Average Ophthalmologist Do During the COVID Lockdown?
A short and sweet answer to the above question is: “How would I know?” I am not average – I am above average, just like my readers. Let us just proceed with my occasionally incoherent ramblings and disregard the irrelevant title of this piece. When the first ‘stay at home’ announcement came, we had already been reading about this tiny but mean virus which originated in big bad China and was slowly...Read More
"Dream big and chase it. You will reach your destination. ": Dr GN Rao
eOphta: Ophthalmology practice in India has changed tremendously in the last couple of decades. As someone who has driven this change are you happy with what has been achieved? Dr. G N Rao: Much has changed but we still have to go a long way in achieving high quality, basic minimum standards in care and education. Right now, this is limited to a small fraction eOphta: A career in medical research ...Read More
The Lost Goat and One Ophthalmologist
After joining the medical profession, almost all doctors came to know that apart from treating a patient, he has to give sympathetic answers to all the queries that arise deep down in the hearts of the patients. These questions according to cricket terminology, come to you as “good length” or “too wide”. You have to listen carefully, patiently, and answer. After finishing the questionnaire, he can...Read More